There’s Harleys in Heaven
Updated: Nov 14, 2021
It’s true. You can ride your Harley in heaven.

It’s mid December and about six weeks since Dad’s passing. During my daily evening meditation, I see Dad in my mind’s eye walking down the hallway of my house dressed in his motorcycle riding gear. He looks healthy, happy, and strong. As he approaches me, I physically feel the presence of two people. Dad says it’s a relative (I’m keeping the name private), and that they “really do get to ride together.” He tells me they’ve just been riding The Great Wall of China (a Wonder of the World Dad would have liked to seen) and then says, “I can’t stay long Ambie.” I ask for evidence that both of them are really here. My dad shows me pink reading glasses and I just have a sense this is evidence for him. I have no idea at this time what that could be. I then see an upside down wine glass and I have a knowing this is supposed to be evidence that my relative is indeed here in this exchange. I feel their presence leave but I say to Dad, “Wait, I have to tell you something.” I give him a message from my mom and he says to me, “I love her very much too and tell her I’m watching her at night and I kiss her forehead.” Before leaving he shows me hot dogs. This symbol has meaning to me because Dad had a long-standing joke about hot dogs, but it came with a knowing that it was more than that, and Mom would know.
The next day I call Mom to relay all that happened. She starts to laugh and tells me about a joke they had between them where my dad used to wear my mom’s pink reading glasses around the house sometimes and how she hated it so much. I could hardly believe this. My dad, a real man’s man, in pink reading glasses!?!? One afternoon he was wearing them while some workers came to the house, forgetting he had them on. He wondered why he was getting such strange looks from the men. My parents had a lot of laughs over this incident and I never knew a thing about it. I’m sure he would be so pleased this photo is now on the internet! Ha!

She also tells me that earlier that day she had been going through the freezer and picked up a package of hot dogs to throw away. My dad had asked her to buy them shortly before he died. She changed her mind and put them back in the freezer, unable in grief to throw them away.
Reaching out to my relative’s loved one, my Mom learned that the upside down wine glass was very relevant evidence and related to a special evening and humor. For the sake of privacy, I won’t relay that here.
Nature’s Way is beautiful. Read on and be inspired by the journey. The way is through the heart.